Monday, May 23, 2011


Ever notice throughout history that the head of every dispensation was given Astronomy 101 lessons?
This must be a pattern of importance!! think???

As we see in the Book of Abraham, in the Pearl of Great Price- (esp chapter 3), Abraham desires further light and knowledge and is tutored in the ways of the heavenly bodies and given a comparison of how this pattern relates to man- a literal HOLOGRAM of sorts.  When one can stay in orbit around the Sun (Son is the REAL meaning here!), one can receive increase and continued light because of obedience.  As long as you orbit around something you receive your light from that center of your universe. This is the basic fundamental of all fundamental concepts.

Some of us orbit around rock stars or celebrities (Stars). Some of us orbit around a refrigerator glowing in the night and wonder why we can't lose weight?  Some of us orbit around a glowing computer screen- however large or small- filled with pornography. As you continue to read in Abraham 3, there was  a second, even the one who is known as Lucifer (his name means-- Light bearer). He became a "Falling star" and his glory was most certainly bright and beautiful but he fell out of orbit from God and thus now gets his light from no one greater than himself and will eventually fade out after his glorious tour of the heavens--taking with him, as many as he can claim to orbit about him.

When we incarnate into this body, we take on a literal vibrational coding of sorts based on the GPS location and Minute that we entered this life. This is what we see in a Natal Astrology chart.  As those plantes (wanderers) continue to move about in their divine order against the backdrop of the fixed stars (those that don't move from our perspective here on Earth) there is an ever set timing of the grand clock of the universe.  Each planet is a literal cog in the timepiece.  We are set up to receive specific energies at specific times in our life to choose what we will make of ourselves --for positive or negative of those energies at those times. This is why you can never tell exactly what a person has chosen to express from their chart, but you can read the energy of it. Choice is a law of the universe and cannot be predicted with perfect accuracy. Some of us can get good at prediction however, when you come to spend time with someone you come to "know" what they may be capable of.

Have you noticed that we have had some amazing planetary allignments of late in May 2011?- Have you wondered why????????
Well- let me tell you what I have observed recently.  If the true purpose of allignment is to feel these cosmic powers within oneself helping one to truly allign with our TRUE self.....then we get it. IF NOT- we end up in a crisis of not finding a solution and checking out of life- literally! We run away from it all.

I have noticed more people lately struggling with a crisis of "Integrity" is what it all boils down to. Example:  I can't live this way anymore (death or suicide results as no solution is found). I can't live this lie anymore and can't keep this secret anymore and they seek help to bring it out thru counseling.  I can't stay in this marriage anymore and they leave....I can't pay this debt or see a way out of it so I'll wrack up all the more- what's the use?.  I can't face myself anymore and they try to run away thinking that will be the way to avoid ultimately having to face one's weak human self in a like manner of playing a childhood game of hide and seek...etc. etc. 

It's time to get down to work!!!  It is time to face up-- This allignment is literally right in our face with all of the planets closest to the earth.  All of the planets recently gathering and going thru Aries gave us courage and the power to act.  NOW, they are going thru Taurus helping us make literal structure of this courage we have gathered to find the peace and security we truly seek.

May you know that the game plan is within you and coded in the stars.
God, as the creator of all this AND you, might be the wisest person to consult on how to face your own crisis for solutions at this time. Ask him, he will enlighten you with solutions you might not even have ever considered.  He can see & recommend something you may want to bring into your orbit to find that peaceful center- ever glowing- ever dependable and always there for you.
All you have to do is:
1.ask and
2. wait for the answer and
3. apply it.

Quote: "There are more books available to be read than can ever be read in one lifetime.  There are more things to do than can possibly be done in one lifetime.  Choose WISELY what you will spend your time on."
Neal A. Maxwell

Monday, May 16, 2011

Near Near Death Experiences??

When I was young I thought I had an idea of what life was about- I just was stumped as to what the AFTERLIFE was about. Where did I go? What happened to my body and or spirit?? Would I be alone? Where was GOD in all this?????? What state of matter would I exist in?
 At age 7 I had a traumatic experience where the car I was riding in, in the back seat- (unbuckled of course in the 1960’s)- turned a corner and the right passenger car door flew open beside me- nearly dumping me to the curb but I held on inside the car as my mother screamed as if that alone would keep me from falling out the door to some unknown physical trauma.  I could see the curb whizzing by in the glare of streetlights at night. My life perhaps- short as it was at that point , flashed before my eyes and my sense of survival instinct kicked in with a passion.  After this experience I pondered what WOULD have happened to me if I had died that night? I didn’t ask any adults the question- perhaps I assumed in my young mind they didn’t know the answer either.  I was never taught anything about it at home.  I had the strong impression we just floated out in the universe in dark space away from everything- away but always insight of the Earth- sort of in a “Galaleic” shape-  (as you’ve seen his sacred geometry drawing I’m sure). I imagined my arms outstretched as well as legs,  the body looking like the shape of a star….floating…one side as it rotated towards the sun was “fried”, while the opposite side away from the sun was “frozen cold as  ice”.  Of course our spirit was trapped inside this body of sorts- even though our physical body stayed on Earth in a grave- yet I KNEW it looked just like our mortal body.  This vision was so real to me and it frightened me.  I don’t know exactly WHEN that idea left me and I moved forward beyond that fear, but I know I no longer believe that will happen to any being on Earth after they die.
 I was 12 almost 13 when I was taught by 2 elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints about the restored gospel on the Earth. They taught me that we had prophets who lived in my day! Also, that there were scriptures which gave current revelation from God, through those prophets, TO US!  If there was anything we needed to know, then most likely one of the prophets had already asked that question and had the answer! Wow! What a shift in my paradigm of thinking!! I could now begin to really find all my answers! I began a sincere pursuit to all the answers to all my questions.  The more I pursued, the more questions I had to answer still.
Throughout my life, once I was baptized into this church just near my 13th birthday, I had periodically what I call a “Near-Near Death experience”:    My definition of this term is:   I didn’t actually die or go all the way thru a tunnel  to the other side of heaven…but…. I ALMOST died .
It seemed the more I wanted to know about the “mysteries” (the things unknown to average men or women), and the more I pursued actually getting answers by spending time alone in nature and communing with God asking him questions,  the more I would have one of these experiences. I have avoided head on car collisions, being run over by wild horses, numerous fatal car accidents, falling off cliffs, being attacked by strangers, and even a near fatal gun shooting. I came to a point when I began to realize these circumstances were happening with a pattern behind them.  At first, many of them happened while I had my 2 youngest children with me.   Perhaps, I thought then, it was because one of my boys had a special purpose here & I had to make sure to protect them.  Then one particular experience happened to me- and me alone at age 37.   I was guided by a very distinct voice, out of “ground zero” at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City on April 15, 1999, where a lone gunman stood exactly where I stood, and moments later, killed and maimed several others from that very position, before he was killed himself.  So much had transpired previously that morning to keep from even being in that place, yet I had determined I was going that day!!  (Ever meet a person with Mars in Scorpio?   That’s me!!   I will pursue to the death for something I want or desire to obtain and not let anything deter me!)  After THAT experience I KNEW I HAD A PURPOSE HERE!
It took a 8 years after that experience before I could even sit at July 4th and listen to fireworks without being reminded so  intensely about the experience and feel the fear keep resurfacing from deep within my body I had stored there from that traumatic experience.  I’ve since learned that our body can store memories of sounds, smells, sights for a lifetime of near perfect recall.  I also knew I was being protected to serve that purpose, or purposes, or even those missions- some I know now, but some yet to be discovered, unopened within me.  What was I yet to do?  Who was I yet to influence?  Whose path did I wait to cross that only I alone could have a transformative effect on???--that, if I were gone from this life, that particular work would remain forever incomplete because I was not there to fill it?
I live each day with an anxious appeal to what will be my adventure today?  Will I meet a new friend?  Will I renew a friendship from my previous existence with someone who is ALSO here upon the Earth now & will cross my path just today for the first time as I recall?  Will I learn something new – taught by the Spirit which bears testimony of ALL universal truth? Will I get to witness one of God’s new creations I have yet not seen or even knew existed on my radar of possibilities? Will I try a new food which will become one of my new favorites for the time being?  Will I travel to a new place? Will I read a new book to present a new idea?  OR will this new idea cause me to launch into a “hyperfocus” of extended personal study for a few years for which I will not obtain another scholarly degree?  Will I be taught a lesson at church that will spark a reminder of who I really am or my previous life experiences.  (I had one of those just last week and I cried at the bubbling forth of that memory within me!) I have a lot of Déjà vu moments. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it when I have those!!!  When I have them I KNOW I’m on my right path….. & I  gain confidence to just keep going with my eyes wide open.
Now I have strength to know it is OK to wake up laughing!
It took a few years, But I have arrived there.