Monday, June 21, 2021

Long Road Ahead


I have had a great absence from blogging for the past 8 years. I have been down a long road I never thought I would be on.

I was broadsided in a car accident in 2013 in my driver’s side by a woman who had blacked out, but, I didn’t know that was her situation at the time.  I went through a LONG period of physical recovery, including 5 surgeries to fix many torn and broken body parts. I went through a long road of Emotional recovery of grief, loss and being forced to adapt to my new limitations. There was also a long road of financial recovery due to the expenses involved for all that medical and emotional care and counseling.  IT was also a LONG road of forgiveness, of which I am still on that road!  It was a spiritual road of choosing to be mad at God or be closer to God because of where I now was.  All the while, experiencing legalities and court depositions, I was counseled by my Lawyer NOT to post publically about anything in my personal life during that time.

Well, now that time of holding back has come to an end and I am free to post again.  Yay!! I feel that long coming freedom and now have much to share thru different posts forthcoming.

The first thing I want to say is that I have intellectually learned a GREAT DEAL during this time of introspection and recovery- especially about myself. I tapped into deep reservoirs of faith that I never knew I had within me, but I had hoped that I would have should  and that it would show up if anything difficult  should happen to me in life.  My mind has been opened to spiritual insights and how we choose to live our lives and the consequences of those choices.

March 29th 2013, I was on my way to the bank from the grocery store. I had had 3 little promptings to go home and put my groceries away BEFORE I went to the bank but, I rationalized with that little voice of guidance- mistaking it for my own voice, “I don’t have ice cream, so I don’t NEED to go home before I go to the bank.  I will just go to the bank and get home and be done for the day.”  I had helped 3 clients that day and just wanted to finish up and relax.

Needless to say, on the way to the bank I was hit. My life catapulted into an astronomical turn of events. I had planned for a long while to have April 1st 2013 be the date I bought the big competitive bike.  I looked for it, tried many out and decided which one I wanted,  circled the date on my calendar and kept it out there for THAT date to buy it. That was only 3 days away…..

It took months to find all I had been broken and torn thru MRI’s and many a doctors visit to several doctors to finally unearth the impact of that day.  I nearly crippled under the weight of each surgery- experiencing 3 of them in 3 months because I was strong and just wanted my “life back”.  At the time I had just completed a 4 yr stint of training to race 100 mile (Century) rides.  I went into this when I met a woman aged 63 who cycled competitively and she told me she had started in her late 40’s.  I was in my late 40’s at the time and thought, “I could do that!” It was then I started and invested 4 years to do what she did. I had listened to the prompting that “I needed to get my body strong.”  And felt this was to be my answer to acquiring that strength.   At the time of my accident, I was aged 51 & I don’t think I had ever been stronger.  I had never had been as strong of lungs and has as massive of thighs as I had then.


Maybe I’ll share more of that time period later, but I learned a very important lesson about choices after my first deposition. IF you’ve never been deposed, the opposing lawyer will bring up all of your misconducts or medical situations in your life to try to prove you  wrong so they do NOT have to pay your for your injuries.  You are first asked 2 questions:

1.  Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

2.  Have you ever been convicted of being dishonest?

 I was very confident in my reply of “Never” to each instance.

I was informed after the first deposition and settlement in a conversation w/ my lawyer about choices we make.  He told me of a former client, a woman who embezzeled money from an employer in her 20’s and was caught, repaid her debt, later married, became a mother, and shaped up her life or “repented” so to speak and became an upstanding member in society.  Well, one day she was involved in a car accident, similar to my situation and when asked those same questions in her deposition, she had to reply, ”Yes”.  Upon hearing that, the opposing lawyer let her know that because of that reply, her case would never go to trial and that she was not to be trusted to be honest and that she would receive whatever settlement the lawyer thought was appropriate to give her.  I was all of the sudden highly consciously aware of the choices we make in life.   Many assume it is “tough” to make a right decision ALL the time.  Actually, it takes the SAME amount of energy and thought to make ANY decision.   Making right or wise decisions is NOT harder to do!  The blessing comes WAY down the road sometimes when you make a right decision, but always, always down the road, a bad decision made, can,  and will come back to haunt you at some other time.  When it does, the regrets seem to overflow of our youthful or inexperienced choices and oh how we wish we had chosen differently back then!

Now, I have not always made the best decisions in my life, or been totally honest in every situation, but all of the sudden I had a reckoning of how we CAN be blessed to independently make right choices. I was well aware of the choices I have made at that moment and was grateful I had chosen wisely in most every situation in my past.

In my youth at age 10, my parents divorced.   We had various live in housekeepers for a couple of years, and then My Dad remarried to a very religious woman.  It was then I was introduced to the Youth programs in the church. I was fortunate to be provided with amazing female mentors in my teenage years- in the Young Women’s program-- who guided me to make wise choices BEFORE the choice was placed before me.  I was taught the consequences of poor choices and how not to be deceived by the adversary.  I am so grateful to have heeded that mentorship and guidance. It brought me to where I am today, standing comfortably on the right side of the line.

I recognize that we build spiritual confidence step by step in ourselves when we make wise choices.  That confidence grows  more firm in each consecutive right choice we make. I have heard it said that God does not want his children to DO Right, He wants them to CHOOSE right!  The Devil, Adversary or Satan, as he is called by many, wants us to experience all of the impediments of the earth, to be unhappy and unworthy and miserable as he is.  He wants to remove us from the option of being able to be happy.  He makes things “appear” unto us to be desired, glamorous or attractive when all the while, they are not. He has no power if we don NOT give him power over us.  God truly does have the whole world in His hands!  He is all loving, forgiving, provides a way for each repentant soul to truly come back to Him. He just asks that we “Follow Him—very evident when he said:  “Come follow me”.

IF you need to, make that easy choice now to Follow Him. Turn your heart,  fully repent, rectify your wrongs, regain  and rebuild your spiritual confidence & get back on the road of “Happiness” which is “the Way” back home.


Friday, December 7, 2012

We All Hear Voices

We ALL Hear Voices--- Don’t We????
Know this:
“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.”

I have become finely attuned to a pattern in what I hear many people make comments about in everyday conversations.  I hear what they say, and repeat it to them because they don’t realize consciously what is actually going on in their heads. I help clients recognize it constantly.   I even see it on TV- most recently, from celebrity Taylor Swift being interviewed by Katie Couric a couple of days ago.  We ALL experience it and no one in any station of life is immune to the influences of these voices.  I frequently find many folks who are simply struggling and striving to move forward with accomplishing their personal goals in life only to allow the “voices” convince them otherwise.
Let me explain what is happening in ALL of our lives.  Many think because we don’t live in Afghanistan or the Middle East or any war torn country presently, that we don’t have to worry about being in a battle or any war of any kind. That life is “peaceful” here in my land.  How wrong they are!  There is a battlefield we all fight on-- almost on a daily basis—and that particular battlefield takes place in the territory of every person’s mind.  This battlefield is always part of Life on Earth.
I have learned to recognize that there are only 3 voices on that battlefield. Pay close attention here as you will very quickly recognize them in your own life and may realize that you’ve encountered one of them just today!

The first voice on the battlefield is the voice of God- AKA Your higher power, or anyone associated with God’s Love. This includes beings like the Holy Ghost, your Spirit Guides, your ancestors who have passed on, and guardian angels or those Spirits of Light who have been assigned to you or have your BEST interests at heart.  Their energy is very distinct. It is a coming from the outward to the center point of God/Love Energy.  It always manifests as a building, edifying, guiding, sort of energy. These voices are focused on our protection , keeping us from going down  the wrong path for us-- basically to come to the Love of God, oneself, or toward anything full of Love- which is also obviously full of light and truth.  These people are very separate from us- in that they actually ARE another being-- Not us, and they talk to us like all others talk to us- they call us “You!” You are 2 separate people having a CONVERSATION.  Sometimes, they don’t use the word You” in their sentence , but everything they say is to help us on a path of progression, be our best selves, work harder to be a better citizen or being of Light in some way.  They may say things that help us avoid immediate or future danger, be in the right place at the right time to intersect with what we’re looking for at the moment. They whisper advice on how to help us heal our broken relationship,  resolve a problem,  or what I love most—they make us aware of a more wise choice than we could have thought up on our own. They tell us what is really happening that we can’t see any reason to our life, etc.  Often I find the words spoken personally to me will change as I am moving forward in life. If you hear something in 3’s or repeated 3 times—PAY CLOSE ATTENTION as they cannot try any more than this to get our immediate attention on some matter.

The second voice on the battlefield is OUR voice. We ALWAYS address ourselves as Ï”. We say to ourselves many times a day for example: ” I should get up”, I know I should eat something healthier for breakfast”, “ I am hungry”,  “I am tired”,  “I “really hate traffic”, ”I think I want to call my best friend to catch up on her life today”-“ I feel like taking a vacation,” “I want to buy that Mp3”. … etc.   We make many decisions every day and probably speak> 10,000 words  just to ourselves each day.

The third voice on the battlefield is the voice of Satan-- AKA the Adversary, Old Scratch, the Devil,  and many other names he’s been given.  This is also the voice of all his helpers who speak to us as proxy for him as well.  Their energy is exactly the opposite of God’s- it is all about DESTRUCTON- taking everything that is in the center, or united, and moving it outward, For example, breaking up marriages,  making you doubt yourself, making  you doubt there is a God, doubt you’ll get the job you really want,  or ever  get a date with the person you’d really like to have notice you.  They get you not even try- just give up. They use the word “You” much more than the light talkers I’ve noticed.  You will hear them say things like: “You’ll never get over this- you’ve had this problem all your life and it will never go away!”  “There is NO solution to your problem- just give up trying to find it. “  “Forget about it- it will never happen.” “Your family is cursed with this.”  “You don’t have what it takes to do that so just give up now. You set your goals too high- no one can ever accomplish that!” “Just face it, you’re depressed.”  “You are a terrible Mother- or Father, OR worker”,  “No one will ever find out you did it, so just do it- do it now!” “You know you want it- just take it!” “No one likes you, everyone bullies you so you might as well just take your life now- life is NOT worth living! This world sucks!”…..etc. They can emphasize words with a certain tone just like our friends or family do when they talk to us. Sometimes- if you’re really good, you can even distinguish the same voice and identify it- just like you’d know your spouse’s voice, or your mother’s voice. It will always sound exactly the same to you.
  Can you see how this energy is so much the OTHER extreme from God’s energy??   One thing I need to state  is that the dark side has a line drawn between you and them, in that they CANNOT take your life!!  But I guarantee they are so good at finding our weak point  through years of conversation, that they get SO good at finding multiple effective words or ways  to suggest we take our own life and check our own selves out of this plane of existence so that they don’t ever have to do it—because they can’t!   When you’re not here anymore, you cannot come back or lend your unique gifts and abilities to the Earth anymore.  With you out of the picture,  they are on to the next poor soul to torture, tempt and  hopefully terminate, in the same exact way they accomplished getting you to check out. They dwell on getting us to even entertain the idea of committing suicide-- or a homicide for that matter.  That is their ultimate goal- to make us miserable, to separate us from all sources and persons of love, and influence us to choose misery--just like them.  Their misery is constant war, contention, deceit, death, rage and hopelessness and loneliness.  What I find most interesting in attuning to exactly what the dark side says, is that in every case, if you can turn the sentence around, the exact opposite is always true!!!--- and they know it!!  They also know that you don’t know what lies ahead for certain.  Their goal in this battle is to convince us to fall short of our potential- no matter what is said.  So, IF you can learn to discern their words as I have, AND realize the opposite fact is true, you can have a glimpse of a true north direction in your life. They actually let the cat out of the bag so to speak.  I believe, they sometimes are privy to knowing who we are and what we are capable of –more so, or in advance of us recognizing our own potential.
Our biggest problem is that most of us get confused!!!  So confused that we think we are the only ones participating in a huge endless conversation with ourselves. We then transpose all the dark side negative “You” statements into Ï” statements and write them into our belief window—a window through which we see the entire world on a daily basis. Then we actually speak them out loud to others.
  I hear and pick up on these statements all the time. Thus my reason for sharing this blog- to teach you what I have learned over many years of quiet observation.
The power in overcoming these voices is:
  #1 to learn to be aware of them!!  You cannot help but hear them.   We all have spiritual ears and we “hear” whispers from the unseen realms around us.  It is so much like the old butter commercials I saw as a child-- where the angel sits on one shoulder whispering in one ear, while the devil sits on the other shoulder whispering the opposite in the other ear.  We end up making a decision based on what we hear and many times, we transpose into a negative statement into some very powerful misbeliefs about ourselves.
#2 Make a conscious choice- not a subconscious one, to recognize who has your best interests at heart and let your heart lead you with courage to follow through with a wise choice- the best one you can make for yourself at this time in your life.
For those of you who live with regrets over voices you followed in your past, you must realize that you did the best with what you knew back then. Don’t judge your younger self with the wisdom and experience you have today.  Now you know different. When you know better you do better.

DO BETTER! Dress yourself in the Armor of God! -- Every single day!  Don’t ever take that armor off!  That is where the joy of defeat is found.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nature Deficit Disorder or N.D.D.??

N.D.D. “Nature Deficit Disorder”??
The latest disease added to our list of needing a cure for……
How have we become so out of sync with nature? As far as I can tell, it has been a process of cultural training over the last few decades of my life. ….. Can you see the tremendous pattern of imbalance emerging?
I used to work managing a health food store and it got to be a ritual of welcoming many new regular customers beginning at the start of every New Year. Why? They would come in to purchase products to begin an intense cleanse after the holidays from an over indulgence of sweets and partying- of course!!  Many were sickened with colds, diseases of gluttony until their bodies told them there NEEDED TO BE A CHANGE here and now!!--- One cannot keep this up and feel at all well in the world!!   After Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all within a 2 month period, how can one ever expect their physical body to keep up with all the “trash accumulation” without emptying that trash once in awhile?  Sounds like good reasoning right??
What few people even know is that Winter,( in Chinese Medicine), is the time of hibernation- retreating from excess and rest from the growth/work and harvest seasons. Just look at nature.  Trees drop their leaves and the sap withdraws. Bears hibernate. No food grows or can be found but what is left over from a late Autumn that humans haven’t picked over & left to feed the birds and wild animals.  A true observer will see the pattern. In Chinese Medicine it is the season of the “kidney” wherein the life force, or “chi” is stored.  We have the potential to store up energy in only 3 months (from the Winter solstice – December 21st-- to the Vernal Equinox March 20th), enough potential energy reserves for the following 9 months to be used for the remainder of the year, until Winter arrives again. If we do NOT honor this season properly, our bodies WILL age all the faster the next 9 months!!!  ---  “Holy crud Batman!”- as Robin would say! (Translation: We should pay attention to this!)
So many will arrive at health food stores in order to buy all the processed food sold there and think they are doing their body/mind/soul a great justice, tipping the balance of the scales.??  When we start eating from the EARTH- in it’s WHOLE state: meaning Nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables (All in their season by the way)---Then we are eating from the Earth as God intended since he put all the plants and animals here before we arrived- just for us!! –for food, clothing and shelter.   The more we eat processed food, man-made chemicals & pharmaceuticals (& drugs by the way are NOT in their natural state!) and even animals laden with antibiotics and GMO feed, the MORE we become out of sync with nature. No wonder we don’t recognize ourselves anymore!!!!!!
How many of us can tell the time by the position of the sun or the stars at night or the rising of the moon? Plants and animals grow, mate and live by the “light” cycles.  Many indigenous people still do-- away from cities and artificial light.   So many of us can’t sleep because we don’t get out in nature--or into sync with nature-- and our bodies can’t handle the stress of this anymore. We are literally falling apart and so is our thinking.  We think we need “light boxes” to give us enough vitamin D to help us not come down with the dreaded “S.A.D.” ( Seasonal Affective Disorder)  We think indoor gym memberships will keep us strong, or camping once a year in the summer with our families, or buying the latest network marketing supplement juice from the other side of the world and not finishing the bottle--- that THIS alone will get us back in sync with nature.
Why study the heavens? Look at all the ancient cultures- Egyptians, Inuit, Native American, Mayan etc. Even the Jews built their temples in alignment with the stars/seasons so that they would know which days they were to attend the temple specifically for the REQUIRED feasts and festivals. Even the Mormons built the Salt Lake Temple in alignment with this ancient tradition and few of them even comprehend the symbolism of it marked right in front of their eyes!
If one studies the Word of God, you will see that even in the time of Noah when the world became so wicked, God started over with a group of 8 ( the number of rebirth BTW) and specifically with a male and female of every kind to begin again.  You see that God, who created us all, makes covenants with a man and a woman together. That group of 3: man, woman and God, comprise that number 3, and that number is always used to represent covenant in the scriptures. This pattern is repeated through every religious culture. Do you recognize it?
God still to this day uses the 4 elements- fire earth, water and air to cleanse and renew our bodies.  The plants all take in the water from the rain, the fire from the sun, the minerals from the earth, and the wind to strengthen them. This is called “synthesis”. When we eat of these plants, those same elements are released as “metabolism”: the fire as light to our cells, the air as oxygen to our  blood, the water as cellular fluid and the earth as minerals; all the building blocks needed to make every enzyme and to structure every organ and system in our physical bodies. All this in turn, builds our minds and spirits.  The plants this very day are even adapting to changes in the earth and are moving to higher elevations or more pure environments to live where they can grow under the sun fully undisturbed.  This should be a metaphor for us- to “move higher”—(closer to God--their very same creator like us) in our consciousness in order to be renewed and continue not only to survive---but to thrive!!!
Many homosexuals are so out of sync with nature that they think they can live in a “virtual reality marriage” and that 2 women can marry and raise a boy, or two men can marry and raise a girl child who will become a normal member of society!!   At the risk of “accepting all people” some company executives even support Ellen Degeneres as a spokesperson for a large company frequented by traditional families, thinking it will help their image??   How have we lost such a sense of ourselves that we don’t even know who to mate with? Or, that this is even acceptable and we can continue to replicate a long lasting species in this manner?????   I guess we can blame it on violating the laws of nature for too long.   We confuse the issue of support by accepting more and more things of a non-natural order and not even realizing we are altering forever the moral code which God set as a pattern for us in order to have joy. It is our God given right to choose, and this battle, fought over in heaven, continues here on the Earthly battlefield. We have agency to choose to alter God’s pattern and yet we also think we will NOT be totally unaffected by it or that others will not have to live with the consequences of it either. One cannot decide they can do it on their own and throw God by the wayside--keeping him out of schools, public meetings, families, communities, one’s mind, one’s diet, one’s lifestyle, one’s heart and find in the long run they will continue to naturally thrive in this world.
Our world is a wonderful place of God’s patterns- repeated over & over in all seasons, in all places, in all peoples, in all times-- here with all of its abundance to enjoy and thrive with.  All those patterns are here to help us recognize Him!   Observe them, read them, study them, ponder them, pray about them, apply them in your daily life—not just once a year or until you tire of your New Year’s resolutions.
When you find God’s patterns, you can live with JOY in His “eternal plan of happiness”.  Isn’t happiness what we are all looking for?  I hear people say it ALL the time—“If I could only find happiness!!”…….  It’s all right here!!!  Right under our noses!!  Return to God & His natural laws and you too will see it plain as day and no longer suffer from your curable case of “Nature Deficit Disorder”.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I just finished a book I picked up at my local library. I never would have ever sought for it had it not been strategically placed at the checkout.
It was  called: “BOLD SPIRIT: Helga Estby’s Forgotten Walk across Victorian America” by Linda Hunt.   It is a life history of a desperate, determined, unwaveringly confident Norwegian immigrant woman named Helga Estby. In 1896 she dares to cross 3500 miles of the American continent to win a $10,000 wager on Foot. She walks with her daughter Clara who was aged 18 at the time, in a journey of an audacious act of courage and love of a mother trying to save a family farm. With amazing twists and turns of tests of survivability that lead up to the prime adventure, she proves what women have always known- that we are strong- like unto the men as we read in the scriptures on the Book of Mormon in 1st Nephi 17:  1 And it came to pass that we did again take our journey in the wilderness; and we did travel nearly eastward from that time forth. And we did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness; and our women did bear children in the wilderness.  2 And so great were the blessings of the Lord upon us, that while we did live upon raw meat in the wilderness, our women did give plenty of suck for their children, and were strong, yea, even like unto the men;
What impressed me so much was how she trusted in her sponsors for this walk and ended up stranded in New York for several months without a way to get home as originally promised. Even after finding charitable sources to sustain her way home (nearly a year after she began) her story is silenced as she is made to feel she has not accomplished anything except for the death of 2 of her young children from diphtheria while she is absent. She is told by other sponsors that she will be granted the $10,000 if she writes about her adventure-- but she never does—or so we think for nearly 75 years. In fact, her story of the original manuscript was burned by her children who didn’t want to be reminded of their mother’s absence and all of the pain it had caused. It wasn’t until nearly 4 generations later her story was unfolded- hidden from all women because of a great “family silencing”.

Don’t we all have stories of pain in our families?  I don’t know of one single family who DOESN’T!! We all grow from the life challenges of others.  Don’t be so fearful of you being the only one this has ever happened to- because you’re not!!  The purpose of a journal or history is to let our posterity know of our strength, courage and tenacity in the face of challenging odds.  THESE ARE THINGS WE INHERIT through generations! Pass down your stories that are unique to YOUR history. Cherish it- don’t be embarrassed by it. Most of us don’t think we live lives of any significance.  I bet even George Washington, Joseph Smith, Willford Woodruff, Abraham Lincoln, Lewis & Clark, and even all of your relatives just thought they were living an ordinary life and thought –“Who would ever be interested in the story of my life one day?”   I just wish there were one diary in existence from someone in my family heritage to tell me of what I have inherited- what courage runs through my veins, what indomitable strength runs through my soul & heart!!   I KNOW that I possess it- I just do not know from whence it came.  I have been fortunate however to find a letter or 2 which gives clues into an ancestor’s personality or life adventures.
May you write about YOUR life- however unimportant you may think it is….it is NOT unimportant to those who will come after you. May you have courage to write and reveal to an unquenchable source about the deepest feelings of your heart and may it never be silenced-- but found alive in every generation.

And in the words of Cora in the movie "The Last of the Mohicans" when she experiences the real life story of the indians as told by a white man captured as a child and raised by them:

"Indeed it is more deeply stirring to my soul than any possible imaginings could have been."

I have been so attracted to stories of strong women lately. 
If you’d like…. check out these books also!
“Even Silence Has an End”-- by Ingrid Betancourt- her own story of capture& survival for 6 yrs in the Columbian jungle in 2001-2007.
“Left to Tell” --by Immaculee Illibagiza- An amazing story of her survival of the Genocide in Rwanda in 1994
“Follow the River” -- by  James Alexander Thom – as story of Mary Ingles who was captured by the Indians during the French & Indian War. She gives birth about 4 days after her capture and eventually finds her way home, leaving her child with the Indians.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Ever notice throughout history that the head of every dispensation was given Astronomy 101 lessons?
This must be a pattern of importance!! think???

As we see in the Book of Abraham, in the Pearl of Great Price- (esp chapter 3), Abraham desires further light and knowledge and is tutored in the ways of the heavenly bodies and given a comparison of how this pattern relates to man- a literal HOLOGRAM of sorts.  When one can stay in orbit around the Sun (Son is the REAL meaning here!), one can receive increase and continued light because of obedience.  As long as you orbit around something you receive your light from that center of your universe. This is the basic fundamental of all fundamental concepts.

Some of us orbit around rock stars or celebrities (Stars). Some of us orbit around a refrigerator glowing in the night and wonder why we can't lose weight?  Some of us orbit around a glowing computer screen- however large or small- filled with pornography. As you continue to read in Abraham 3, there was  a second, even the one who is known as Lucifer (his name means-- Light bearer). He became a "Falling star" and his glory was most certainly bright and beautiful but he fell out of orbit from God and thus now gets his light from no one greater than himself and will eventually fade out after his glorious tour of the heavens--taking with him, as many as he can claim to orbit about him.

When we incarnate into this body, we take on a literal vibrational coding of sorts based on the GPS location and Minute that we entered this life. This is what we see in a Natal Astrology chart.  As those plantes (wanderers) continue to move about in their divine order against the backdrop of the fixed stars (those that don't move from our perspective here on Earth) there is an ever set timing of the grand clock of the universe.  Each planet is a literal cog in the timepiece.  We are set up to receive specific energies at specific times in our life to choose what we will make of ourselves --for positive or negative of those energies at those times. This is why you can never tell exactly what a person has chosen to express from their chart, but you can read the energy of it. Choice is a law of the universe and cannot be predicted with perfect accuracy. Some of us can get good at prediction however, when you come to spend time with someone you come to "know" what they may be capable of.

Have you noticed that we have had some amazing planetary allignments of late in May 2011?- Have you wondered why????????
Well- let me tell you what I have observed recently.  If the true purpose of allignment is to feel these cosmic powers within oneself helping one to truly allign with our TRUE self.....then we get it. IF NOT- we end up in a crisis of not finding a solution and checking out of life- literally! We run away from it all.

I have noticed more people lately struggling with a crisis of "Integrity" is what it all boils down to. Example:  I can't live this way anymore (death or suicide results as no solution is found). I can't live this lie anymore and can't keep this secret anymore and they seek help to bring it out thru counseling.  I can't stay in this marriage anymore and they leave....I can't pay this debt or see a way out of it so I'll wrack up all the more- what's the use?.  I can't face myself anymore and they try to run away thinking that will be the way to avoid ultimately having to face one's weak human self in a like manner of playing a childhood game of hide and seek...etc. etc. 

It's time to get down to work!!!  It is time to face up-- This allignment is literally right in our face with all of the planets closest to the earth.  All of the planets recently gathering and going thru Aries gave us courage and the power to act.  NOW, they are going thru Taurus helping us make literal structure of this courage we have gathered to find the peace and security we truly seek.

May you know that the game plan is within you and coded in the stars.
God, as the creator of all this AND you, might be the wisest person to consult on how to face your own crisis for solutions at this time. Ask him, he will enlighten you with solutions you might not even have ever considered.  He can see & recommend something you may want to bring into your orbit to find that peaceful center- ever glowing- ever dependable and always there for you.
All you have to do is:
1.ask and
2. wait for the answer and
3. apply it.

Quote: "There are more books available to be read than can ever be read in one lifetime.  There are more things to do than can possibly be done in one lifetime.  Choose WISELY what you will spend your time on."
Neal A. Maxwell

Monday, May 16, 2011

Near Near Death Experiences??

When I was young I thought I had an idea of what life was about- I just was stumped as to what the AFTERLIFE was about. Where did I go? What happened to my body and or spirit?? Would I be alone? Where was GOD in all this?????? What state of matter would I exist in?
 At age 7 I had a traumatic experience where the car I was riding in, in the back seat- (unbuckled of course in the 1960’s)- turned a corner and the right passenger car door flew open beside me- nearly dumping me to the curb but I held on inside the car as my mother screamed as if that alone would keep me from falling out the door to some unknown physical trauma.  I could see the curb whizzing by in the glare of streetlights at night. My life perhaps- short as it was at that point , flashed before my eyes and my sense of survival instinct kicked in with a passion.  After this experience I pondered what WOULD have happened to me if I had died that night? I didn’t ask any adults the question- perhaps I assumed in my young mind they didn’t know the answer either.  I was never taught anything about it at home.  I had the strong impression we just floated out in the universe in dark space away from everything- away but always insight of the Earth- sort of in a “Galaleic” shape-  (as you’ve seen his sacred geometry drawing I’m sure). I imagined my arms outstretched as well as legs,  the body looking like the shape of a star….floating…one side as it rotated towards the sun was “fried”, while the opposite side away from the sun was “frozen cold as  ice”.  Of course our spirit was trapped inside this body of sorts- even though our physical body stayed on Earth in a grave- yet I KNEW it looked just like our mortal body.  This vision was so real to me and it frightened me.  I don’t know exactly WHEN that idea left me and I moved forward beyond that fear, but I know I no longer believe that will happen to any being on Earth after they die.
 I was 12 almost 13 when I was taught by 2 elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints about the restored gospel on the Earth. They taught me that we had prophets who lived in my day! Also, that there were scriptures which gave current revelation from God, through those prophets, TO US!  If there was anything we needed to know, then most likely one of the prophets had already asked that question and had the answer! Wow! What a shift in my paradigm of thinking!! I could now begin to really find all my answers! I began a sincere pursuit to all the answers to all my questions.  The more I pursued, the more questions I had to answer still.
Throughout my life, once I was baptized into this church just near my 13th birthday, I had periodically what I call a “Near-Near Death experience”:    My definition of this term is:   I didn’t actually die or go all the way thru a tunnel  to the other side of heaven…but…. I ALMOST died .
It seemed the more I wanted to know about the “mysteries” (the things unknown to average men or women), and the more I pursued actually getting answers by spending time alone in nature and communing with God asking him questions,  the more I would have one of these experiences. I have avoided head on car collisions, being run over by wild horses, numerous fatal car accidents, falling off cliffs, being attacked by strangers, and even a near fatal gun shooting. I came to a point when I began to realize these circumstances were happening with a pattern behind them.  At first, many of them happened while I had my 2 youngest children with me.   Perhaps, I thought then, it was because one of my boys had a special purpose here & I had to make sure to protect them.  Then one particular experience happened to me- and me alone at age 37.   I was guided by a very distinct voice, out of “ground zero” at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City on April 15, 1999, where a lone gunman stood exactly where I stood, and moments later, killed and maimed several others from that very position, before he was killed himself.  So much had transpired previously that morning to keep from even being in that place, yet I had determined I was going that day!!  (Ever meet a person with Mars in Scorpio?   That’s me!!   I will pursue to the death for something I want or desire to obtain and not let anything deter me!)  After THAT experience I KNEW I HAD A PURPOSE HERE!
It took a 8 years after that experience before I could even sit at July 4th and listen to fireworks without being reminded so  intensely about the experience and feel the fear keep resurfacing from deep within my body I had stored there from that traumatic experience.  I’ve since learned that our body can store memories of sounds, smells, sights for a lifetime of near perfect recall.  I also knew I was being protected to serve that purpose, or purposes, or even those missions- some I know now, but some yet to be discovered, unopened within me.  What was I yet to do?  Who was I yet to influence?  Whose path did I wait to cross that only I alone could have a transformative effect on???--that, if I were gone from this life, that particular work would remain forever incomplete because I was not there to fill it?
I live each day with an anxious appeal to what will be my adventure today?  Will I meet a new friend?  Will I renew a friendship from my previous existence with someone who is ALSO here upon the Earth now & will cross my path just today for the first time as I recall?  Will I learn something new – taught by the Spirit which bears testimony of ALL universal truth? Will I get to witness one of God’s new creations I have yet not seen or even knew existed on my radar of possibilities? Will I try a new food which will become one of my new favorites for the time being?  Will I travel to a new place? Will I read a new book to present a new idea?  OR will this new idea cause me to launch into a “hyperfocus” of extended personal study for a few years for which I will not obtain another scholarly degree?  Will I be taught a lesson at church that will spark a reminder of who I really am or my previous life experiences.  (I had one of those just last week and I cried at the bubbling forth of that memory within me!) I have a lot of Déjà vu moments. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it when I have those!!!  When I have them I KNOW I’m on my right path….. & I  gain confidence to just keep going with my eyes wide open.
Now I have strength to know it is OK to wake up laughing!
It took a few years, But I have arrived there.